
Food Locker

1.21.09: Food Locker, originally uploaded by Team Dalog.

A plethora of liquified baby nourishment.


A momentous occasion

1.20.09: A momentous occasion, originally uploaded by Team Dalog.

After months of waiting, the 44th President of the United States of America was sworn into office today. After all the speeches and the Presidential Balls, Mr. Obama's definitely got his work cut out for him. Watching all the coverage, you could definitely see the anticipation for something great, for hope and change. I just wonder if the people will actually stay committed, and keep up with current issues that actually are worth a damn. Or will this honeymoon period just last a couple months, then fade away?


Punch the keys, for God's sake!

It's been a long time coming, but I think it's just about time to start writing again. So much has happened in the last couple of years, and it'll be nice to just get things down. Things that maybe my kids can read later on. So when they're in their rebellious teenage years, they can read some of these entries and see what their old man was like when he was younger. Maybe they'll gain a better perspective on the kind of person he was, and the things he was interested in. Or maybe they won't. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.